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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Tags: lash biz tips

Build, Grow

Why you’re struggling in your lash business

Build Grow

Who doesn’t want a thriving business? I am pretty sure that when you started this journey you envisioned your business bringing in enough money to sustain you, to give you the freedom that you’ve always wanted. But instead you’ve been struggling to grow your lash business, the number of clients and are barely making enoughContinue reading "Why you’re struggling in your lash business"

Build, Start

Are You Showing Up on the First Page of Google? Real Talk about Lash Business SEO

Build Start

As if creating content, products, and services, and building your brand wasn’t enough! One night you sat in front of your computer, researching on better ways to market your services and behold you stumbled upon SEO and GOOGLE ranking blogs. Suddenly your stomach sank in. There’s a lot of stuff going on in those blogContinue reading "Are You Showing Up on the First Page of Google? Real Talk about Lash Business SEO"

Build, Start

The Art and Mastery of Pre-Booking

Build Start

As a lash artist, I would imagine one of your goals is to be fully booked. That means that you have a consistent schedule full of full-price paying touch up (or fill) clients. They come in consistently and reliably for their maintenance appointments and you can anticipate their appointments in advance to know you haveContinue reading "The Art and Mastery of Pre-Booking"